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Požénú se za ní

nahání ji i moji

Po kopcích lesích lukách 


daleko hluboko 

sama se nebojí 

když byla malá sukénka roztrhaná


Jmelí javory

sluha pokory

vyrostla, dospěla

slzy hojí

zkusila, spálila

ohýnek hoří

Chlapče mój

já vjem, že voníš ako múza

spolu jen být


Chalúpku má 

v horách sámotná

Chodívá po lese a v ranní rose 

je svá

slunéčko hladí ji

možná se ji to zdá

Horé nad ní,

poslúchat a jít

horé nad ní

poslúchat a být...

Neverending story


when you've been dreaming a lot

how you fly your white dog

I think our adults lives

deserve more

when you've been hiding from phantom

waitin till he unfollows YOU

I think our adults lives

could unfold more

when you built your first forest house

had dinner with tiny fellows

I think our adults lives `re


Turn around You

don`t leave your secret dreams

once you'll be asked

if you've reached stars

Turn around You

to see there's little boy

waitin to hear 


when you've been jumping 

to all puddles

enjoying water on your shoulders

I think our adults lives`re


when you've been fleeing into summer rain

trying to catch small drops everywhere

I think our adults lives


Change ...

Little princess

Little princess dances in me 

She's hiding all in me

Little princess

She's like all ballerinas of the moon

It's like, it's always been her truth

It's like, it's always been her truth

Her dress is too tiny

Her crown shines too widely

Oh, she keeps moving

Her face looks so holy

Her eyes have glass lookin

Oh, she keeps turning

She's my half, half

She`s my half inside of me

Oh, my only half

Each of us was born

to find your inner half

to find your human soul!

Her flower is blooming

Her sense is too truly

Oh she keeps turning

She's my half, half

She's my half inside of me

Oh, my only half

Each of us was born

to find your inner half

to find your human soul!

It`s such nice to know

you aren`t alone

It's such a harm

to don't believe and don't hope

She's the only one

who never dies

she's the only one

without any lies

My half, my half

She`s my half inside of me

Oh, my only half

Each of us was born

tio find your inner half

to find your human soul!

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